When you have something so little of e.g. good quality friends, plenty of money, love etc. you become quite obsessed with the idea of owning it.
For example, there is story of a man who have no known best friend. He recognises this. And so he realises that the only person he can rely on is his dear wife. So his love turns into a mess of obsession. He becomes so deeply obsessed with her he begins to chain her to his insecurity. Binds her to him. Slowly but surely suffocating her.
We can relate to that obsession. All of us have something precious, a crown jewel; a deeply cherished item we do not want lost. We are all at the brink of obsession because we are all controlled by two emotions: fear and greed. When we fear that we may lose something, we hang on to it. A car. A piece of stone. A person. We hold on because we feel safe having it. We hang on to it as though it is our dear life. But all fear is, it is only mental.
Coming back to my story. The-man-with-his-deep-love-for-his-wife-because-he-has-no-one-else-in-the-world guards his wife so jealously, that she becomes to fade like a flower without sunshine. As much as she loves him, she cannot be with him. It is like a swim between yin and yang. She fights, at first, for her freedom. For her identity. But her loyalty to this man she has sworn to be with for better or for worst, eats into her heart and produces - guilt. So she ebbs away. And one day surely when she dies, he will die too. She from a broken heart and he from a broken mind.
Everyone has an obsession stemmed from scarcity.

Greed: "I want a red convertible so I can look cool every day"