Back when we were fresh fishies, we took a wrong turn and ended up in Port Klang. It was to be the best mistake made. There you have four giddy clueless monkees in a speedboat to a new plank-ful world. Sea breeze in our hair, hot sun on our young flushed cheeks, we gorged our bellies silly with seafood, fried ice cream and laughter. For six years, it was our selfish little secret.
Until recently only did I return with the original two giddy monkees, this time accompanied by two... uhm... etchi oyajijis. One of the monkees married and lived happily ever after. Too blissful in marriage to catch a breath of nostalgia. I don't blame her. Parcel of life. Some monkees swing, linger and go back. Others, fly, swing and never do.
Nevertheless, me mates and I had a ball. Adventurous ang mohs can tell you that Pulau Ketam is great for cheap beer, fancy keropok and fantastic 'lala chien'. 'How about the crabs, fresh fish and the rubbery squids,' you say? Ask the ang mohs and they will boast to you that the seafood is top notch. Ask the locals and they will say... 'inflation lar brader'. *sigh* Spoil market di.
But go, you must. Nay, not must, but, most definitely. Pulau Ketam is a charming fishing village that's worth at least one Saturday. This picturesque wonder is a peaceful floating kampung that reminds you of the old days - where strangers smile at one another, where life can be simply uncomplicated and where friendships last infinitely. Where you can sit down under a sweet shade with some old mates while you bite into your fried ice cream in comfortable silence.
Go, you must.

Life is a net & then you tangle
Pulau Ketam, Selangor 2006
yes, go go u must!! XD
fun fun place with fun fun friends!
When I ask SC if she saw me, she said she didnt. She thought she told me about Crabby Island the whole time. Only when I asked her if her 'friend' leaned over to uncle and ask about the duration of the journey did she believe me and freaked out.
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