Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Brain Power!

For most part of our lives, we have been educated in ways not to win but to survive. Our minds have been programmed to think ‘in-the-box’ so much so we live life half-baked and unpassionate. Is that really the life we want? Is that really what life has been intended for us?

The answer is No.

Listen to the words as you read it: N-O.

People were born with tremendous potential and we use so little of our greatest tool – our brain.

Our school education didn’t teach us to be great. Instead it binds us to smallness, to limitations and to fear. How many of us can remember school to be an inspiration? I’m not denying that school education is an important key, however, we have to identify that it is not the only key to open doors. Education does not stop at school. It is a lifelong journey. And the only way to unlock our magnanimous potential is to learn continuously.

Knowledge is Power. And Power is Wealth. If we are to be powerful, it is in all facets of life – money, relationship, spirituality, health and most important of all, mindset. It is only when we master being humane that we become rich. Wealth is not measured by what we have but by what we are.

I have a purpose. A purpose that have been resonating in me since I was a child. That purpose is to spread Inspiration; grow Hope; show Love. I have a dream of bringing people up to greater heights in life. A life so unimaginable that they forget what fear is. A life so great that they become unstoppable. That is the life we should all be living from.

My intention in this lifetime is to reach out to people so that they become empowered and enriched. There is no maybe, no some day, no one day for me. There is only Now and Must.


Anonymous said...

From happiness, peace, and love comes all other things in life. To love what we have and love ourselves, then can we share that with others.

Anonymous said...

People should read this.