I read my monthly horoscope religiously at the first of every month. So come December 1st you can see me fidgetting like a constipated bunny waiting for my destiny to upload. It does goes to show that yes, I'm just as insecure, vulnerable, fickle-pickle and PMS-raging as the woman next door. Yes I am sad. But pray tell me which Laura, Mary and Jane out there
do not suffer from pre-, post- and every-other-time depression? Why do you think we scream every time you pick your noses or forget to put the toilet sit down? Do you actually think we care? No, uh-uh, not really. If you wonder why we act like we have a constant tornado up our arses, erm well, it's
really because we
do have a constant tornado up our arses. It's called the 'want-it-all' syndrome.
We modern women can never be a contented race. We want a great career, tons of money, a hot body and equally hot sex, fantabulous clothes, and hair that will
never be out of place. We may not want to look like Liz Hurley but hell yeah, we wouldn't mind waking up as Charlize Theron. Monstrosity sold separately.
We have grown to be so emotionally and mentally independant that we believe we can have it all. Maybe we can, maybe we can't. But Life retaliates. Like momma always say, if you don't chew what you've bitten, you're going to end up with loads of bad gas. And sometimes women even with great charm and ambition, who bite off more than they can chew, end up shaken like a fidgety constipated bunny.
My point being: more and more women are getting depress. Lack of sleep. Lack of money. Lack of respect. Lack of love. Lack of freedom. Lack of sex. We google for love. We beep for attention. We blog for excitement. Hell yeah, I've never been exactly happy with myself. One day I announce I'm queen of the world. The next, I'm a bloody pauper begging for a little joy. Then some days, in a reflective spirit, I sit down and wonder, what if I look at life a little more light-hearted. Let's not take 'me' so seriously. Let's just think more like a man. And by golly, I'm no longer chasing after rainbows.
Life's good when we enjoy it as it is. It goes to show that it's good to be a slacker some days.