Friday, March 18, 2005

Turkey-ing Out

“I’ve been married with my husband for nearly 15 years and like most marriages it isn’t always a bed of roses. We’ve learnt to compromise but I have to say, there were some incidents where it took more persuasion than usual. For example, my husband has an awful habit of breaking wind nearly every morning. I would beg him to stop ripping or sought medical advice but he wouldn’t hear any of it. He shrugged it off as a natural body function and that was it.

I asked my girl friends on how I could do something with my husband’s eccentric manner when she came up with this idea she found on the Internet.

One early morning while I was preparing the Christmas turkey, I kept the turkey guts aside. I placed the bloody guts in a bowl and quietly walked to the bedroom. I placed all the turkey guts into my husband’s underwear, replaced the covers, tiptoed back to the kitchen and waited.

Several hours later, I heard my husband scream and frantically run to the kitchen. To calm myself down, I’d made myself a cup of tea. When my husband found me sipping my tea at the table he told me something really bad had happened. I forced down my laughter and asked him what was wrong.

He said, “Honey, I need to see the doctor! I farted my guts out!”

Well, at least we got rid of that habit.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This dufuss obviously didn't know basic physiology.