Friday, July 15, 2005

Age Defenceless

While I was waiting for my CDs to burn I got talking to a make-up artist of whom I am on friendly terms with.

JO: "Eh eh, you've changed alot since I know you ah."
ME: "But Jo, I've only known you for six months."
JO: "Yalar, but can see the difference mah."
ME: "What? You mean I've put on alot of weight?"
JO: "Yalar."
ME: "Shit, Jo, I know but the funny thing is I weigh the same as I did last year."
JO: *pause to think* "Oh, like that ah... how old are you?"
ME: "24 going to 25. Why?"
JO: "Oh... you're aging."
ME: (OMFG! Thanks for the blardy honesty) "Shit, really ah? Then how?"
JO: "Don't worry. Things will get better."
ME: "Oh great, really? How does it?"
JO: "You accept it lor. Can't change already mah."
ME: (# #)*

To Jo, the best make-up guru I know but shit hell you're ruthless.

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