Friday, July 01, 2005

Fuelling No Joy

I'm here rubbing the temples of my forehead. I don't have a splitting headache, but I'm awfully puzzled.

The world is coming to an end and I'm certain of it.

There's a crowd waiting to fill their motor vehicles up to a frothy brim because petrol prices are increasing. I've never seen cars having to queue up at a petrol stations. I admit - yes - there's always room for a first.

But help me think this one out people...
The price of petrol increases because the theory of economics says there is a high demand and limited supply.
A dwindiling supply defines that resources are running low.
When resources are restricted; and there is little or no substitute, not our crafty little automobile will be nothing better than a massive rubble of useless metal.

So, in other words...
When there is no fuel, we have no kinetic energy.
No movement means no activity.
No activity means no productivity.
No productivity means no employment.
No job is no income.
No income is no spending power.
No spending power means no money.
No money means no food.
No food is no good.

Shit. We're Doomed.


Nadhirah said...

Go to sleep. It's late. You're starting to sound incoherant.

Happee Monkee said...

Think harder n exercise your brains. :P

Anonymous said...

im really running low on fuel!