Monday, September 11, 2006

What Would Have Been

A girl said to her friends, 'what would life have been if I hadn't spent the best six years of my life in a relationship?'
A wife thinks, 'what would life have been like if I hadn't had kids?'
A young man wonders, 'what would life have been like I hadn't made that promise?'

"... would I be happier?"
"... would I be full of life?"
"... would I have been greater?"

Regrets. Fears. Guilt. Shame.

We blame others but the fingers point back. For the choices we make. For the choices we fail to make. For the choices we never dreamnt of.

Are we awake when we're asleep? Or are we asleep when we're awake?

Because it's never really people, objects, places that limit us to our pallid lackluster lives.


Anonymous said...

sounds like the matrix..

Anonymous said...

More like Meatrix.

Nadhirah said...

I believe, everything we do, or not do is fated. So there's really no point in regrets or what ifs.

All you can do is move and and hope your next choice will be better.

Happee Monkee said...

there is no such thing as destiny. we're living zombies if we'd decide not to understand our purpose on this earth.

Chunky Munky said...

I believe life to be fated, more in line sense of consequences for actions.

It's because life is about choices. You make your choice and you make your peace with it. Action, reaction and all that jazz.

Sorry if I'm not making sense, it's 1.31am. But I MUST make a comment, NOW! Haha!

Anonymous said...

it's all about karma.. XD cause n effect..

anyways, i believe some parts of our lives have been predetermined.. due to effects from the past's causes.. but as we move along.. we have new choices.. n base on the choices we make.. new causes will have different effects in the future.. so it's not entirely fated i'd say! XD

sorry if i don't make any sense too.. i'm too hungry to think XD

Chunky Munky said...

Mable's blog has the ability to get people with no sense to leave some nonsense.

Happee Monkee said...

It'll be a scary thought if MableTV can bring out the nonsense in the 'some sense'. Such an insensible thing to do... it's almost a crime.

gilliebean said...

There is this postcard stuck at my cubicle - "Life is a sum of all your choices. What are you doing?" by Albert Camus.

I'm reading blogs and sending jokes to RD instead of finishing my work! Ha!