Monday, October 02, 2006


I've just been had by my friend. And to make matters even worse, she used my own technique against me. I mean, it's like having a parent being told off by their kids and you can't rebutt because it's right y'know?


It went like this:

Her parents made her go to a lantern festival. She didn't want to go. She kicked up a fuss. Her parents fussed at her kicks.

I'm stricken with envy here because I've been pining to go for a lantern party. My other friends have been sending me invites from home and I tell ya, it's sure isn't nice to feel so welcomed. What's the point of it when you can't be there?

But that's besides the point, I love mid-autumn festivals. It's that one time in the year you're allowed to play with fire. You get to see beautiful floating luminescent bubbles on one end and a big kid at the other.

The year before, when the monkees were away, I'd accumulate a mass of lanterns and lit them up in the garden singlehandedly anyway. Last year, I had to slave over a story due the next day, my friends called at my gate with lanterns. This time the monkees were only too delighted and since I'd burnt the lanterns the previous year (Note: private bonfire), we used an indecent battery-operated Ultraman lantern and walked into the dark night with a bunch of rowdy teenagers. One other year, we had the Argentinian neighbours put up lanterns in their mango trees while we sipped Chinese tea, munched on mooncakes, and swapped local legends till late. At college, my mates and I decided to throw it at an Indian classmate's house and while we ordered pizza, we vandalized her driveway with rows of candles.

There are many other sentimental moments I can think of about mid-autumn festival. I can still smell the freshly baked mooncakes and the evening sun streaming through the windows. I can see my mom making a fresh batch with the delicately carved wooden mold. I can taste the spices, nuts, egg yolks, sweet pastries in my mind. It rules over Chinese New Year, Chap Go Meh, Hanukkah and even Christmas.

So you see, it has a very very very special place in my heart.

But I digress.

So since I'd openly expressed my dissatisfaction to my friends on msn chat, they suggested why don't I just throw one?

And before I knew it, I came up with those sugary stuff that you'd know is bad for you but it still comes out of your mouth anyway... I gave all sorts of excuses: no time, no money, no friends, no this, no that... And you know what? You nag your friends enough, they'd throw the same s*** back. So I had an earful from my friends. No time? Make time. No money? Make money. No friends. Make friends. Call it karma right? Man... it sucked.

So folks, I thank you for your straight-face kick-ass honesty. You know when to call a bucket a bucket. You know when to call a hose a hose. You know when to call a spade a spade.

I'm coming down my high horse.

High horses don't agree with me anyway.

[NOTE: Planning & discussion for Mid-Autumn party is currently in progress]


Chunky Munky said...

If there is a monkee out there that I would trust to make it happen, it would be you. If that's any consolation. Good luck to you.

Pinkity said...

Friday. My house. Lantern Festival. You're invited. Loads of lanterns. Gonna make my neighbour go crazy. Sister playing guzheng to compliment the mood.

I'm evil!

gilliebean said...

You think if I DHL some mooncakes over it would arrive in time for your party ... or more importantly, whether it would still be edible by then?

Anonymous said...

haha.. jeje.. they have mooncake in melbourne lah.. can get from chinatown.. XD
i celebrated mid-autumn festival there once.. it was fun =)
tamago-chan, i'm sure u'll enjoy it this year too!

Happee Monkee said...

C.Munky: Ah... it takes a munky to know a monkee.

Pinkity: Damn you woman. Get out there and make sure you have blazing ball of fire. I mean, time.

Gillie: Thanks. Who cares if it's edible. It's DHL-ed mooncakes man. They're almost from the moon.

Kid: I never say No to mooncakes or fun.

Pinkity said...

It's hazy on Mid Autumn festival. Bummer...

Unknown said...

Are we allowed to have an Australian moon festival in the southern mid-autumn (ie April)? I always miss it by accident.

Anonymous said...

You know, I always saw of a Little Pony type, no high horses for you....

Happee Monkee said...

shoebabe: are u talking about my short legs?

Nadhirah said...

Cheer up babes! You're a party by yourself. Round up some people and you're all set!! I'll send some lanterns your way. Gimme your add.

Nadhirah said...

Yo mabs, I've shifted blogs. It's now Update your links. :) oh and get rid of the tag board lah. I got rid of mine. so annoying keep asking people to log in.