Friday, October 27, 2006


Acceptance is a heroic attempt. It is one of the hardest things to do next to Patience and Faith.

This is also why I'm not a superhero because I have very little of any.

I had a thought the other day... a guilty thought. The sort that makes you think 'Shit...'

So shit....

I'm guilt-ridden for not accepting my mates for who they are, when they have supported me at every turn of my life for being me. The eccentric, extremely difficult, loud and vocal me. Yeap, they'd be the one right now to say, 'Aww, you're alright... don't be too harsh on yourself and (possibly) we love you for who you are.' And that makes me sink even lower in shits.

This all, of course, started from me. Me -- for going through all these series of mind-altering, character-analysing seminars. Me -- for pushing the brand of new psycho transforming ideas down my pals' throats. Me -- for believing that my AHAs should be everyone's AHAs.

Not everyone gets the same epiphanies.

I'm not smarter than everyone else. I'm not any ounce more superior. I'm not any chance better.

Acceptance is not about scraping people out of their comfort zones. It is accepting them for who they are and supporting their ambition or maybe even the lack of it as their own unique personality. If the whole world was made out of leaders, we'd all end up killing one another. If the whole world was made out of shakers, well... I guess the whole world would bounce out of its sphere. We need the yin for the yang, the yang for the yin.

UN-acceptance is the reason why many marriages end up in divorces. Of course that opinion itself may be very off track since I've never been married or in a 'stable relationship' before but women who want to change their Ray Romanos (Everybody Loves Raymond) into stepford husbands could be in love for the wrong reason. Personally, 6 out of 10 people I know use more words to gripe about their boyfriends/ husbands than love. I'm actually quite happy to know that I indeed do know 40% sane happy women.

The top 5 things they complain about their imperfect men are:
1. 'He's not romantic enough.'
2. 'He doesn't care about his appearance enough.'
3. 'He doesn't spend time with me enough.'
4. 'He doesn't spend on me enough.'
5. 'He doesn't listen enough.'

Take note that there's repetition of the word 'enough'. (Whatever is 'enough' anyway?)

People who don't know acceptance, don't understand (enough). Let's use me for an example. I don't think I've taken the time to understand what my friends are really like. It doesn't mean I don't care, but it's just that I've didn't care enough. I've been a blardy selfish arse.

So this is to me mates. Thanks for withstanding my crap. You've done well, superheroes....

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