Sunday, December 24, 2006

déjà vu

"the experience of feeling that one has witnessed or experienced a new situation previously." []

Have you had one of those?

You walk along a street and you're suddenly enveloped with the feeling of déjà vu. You've been there. You've done that. You've seen her. But the strange fact is, you've never.

How is it you've met that girl with the beautiful hazel eyes when you've never seen her in all your life? Or walked past that tree, post box, yellow bee-striped car, when you haven't?

What if déjà vus are second chances? What if some of us had the opportunity to re-live our lives again for a second time? You know how you say things like: "I wish I could turn back time." or "If I had the chance to do it all over again..." So what if we got what we wanted but forgot we made that wish? Would we really do things any differently?

Maybe some of us have died and God in all his wisdom decided we deserved another go. Would we be happier? Would we live life fuller? Would we cry less, love more, talk less, listen more, eat less, have more fun? What are we doing with our second chances now that we have our second chances? Would we still say, 'What if'?

Would we still say, 'Could have...', 'Should have...', 'Would have...'? Because if déjà vus were second chances, it seems to me, we need triple, quadruple takes in order to get things right-er, better, more accurately significantly happier.
Which means humankind are pretty much blardy slow learners.


gilliebean said...

Life do not come with an instruction manual and this is the precise reason why we go through life with all the bumps and humps and bruises. I'm sure many would have asked themselves before "If I could turn back time, I would ...." but really, when I stopped awhile to think and look back at the situations in life that I previously wished I had the ability to change, it is precisely these experiences that made me who I am today; tears, laughter, warts and all!

Happee Monkee said...

you have warts? where? i want to see.

Anonymous said...

lol.. i dont see any warts! XD unless it's somewhere hidden.. *run & hide*

anyways, let the past be the past.. u don't have to forget it.. just let it be memories..
the future is still uncertain.. so, no point thinking about it too much..
most importantly is to live in the present.. we are alive today.. so, live 'NOW'!
if u live each day as it comes.. who knows, u won't need a second chance.. =)

Happee Monkee said...

well said aunty. the last line was the best.