Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Footprints Cast in Stone

Every one we meet leaves some sort of impact in our lives. It can be the size of Yamagata or a sting of a bee. But either way, they always always leave an impression. I've met some people, known them for years but can't remember anything rich from that experience. I've also had the pleasure of meeting people for a few minutes and I feel like I've been hit by lighting. Some people are a waste of time and energy, some people you just can't get enough of. But however minute their own significance are, I strongly feel that we are all interconnected and placed together at one place and one time for some reason because Nothing is a Coincidence.

Some time ago or most recently, one person left a happy mark in my life. And though it was brief, it was never short of interesting. And though he was imperfectly perfect, he was gone like the spring wind. The good things in life are fleeting because it is in their transcient existence that makes it somewhat enjoyable. It's like a fast fading beauty of a flower. We treasure what little time it has with us.

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