Thursday, June 14, 2007

Do You Like Your Insides?

One of the turning points in my life, and one of the most important principles I have ever learned, is the Law of Correspondence. The Law of Correspondence goes back to 3000 years before Christ, and it says: "As within is the same as without." It says your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. Or as we say today: "Where ever you go there you are."

This is one of the great truths of all of human history. This is the basis of all religion, of all metaphysics, all psychiatry, psychology, philosophy. It says that if you can change your inner world; if you can change what is going on inside your mind, then you can dramatically change what is going on, on the outside. There is no other way. Your outer world "mirror" expresses your thoughts, feelings, hopes, goals, dreams and so on.

But let me get back to what this Law of Correspondence says... that your relationships, your health, your income, every part of your life merely reflects on a one-to-one basis back to you the way you think. Everything you have in your life you have attracted to yourself because of the person you are. You can change the aspects of your life because you can change the person that you are. William James of Harvard in 1905 said, "The greatest revolution of my generation is the discovery that the average person, by changing their attitudes of mind, can change the outer aspect of their mind."

But the flip side is there is no other way. We cannot change out external world except by changing our internal world, and you have 100% total control over your internal world. As a result, you have total control over your future destiny. You can become anything that you really, really want to become if you simply change what you think on the inside, to be completely in harmony with what you want to enjoy on the outside. You cannot be angry, frustrated and ignorant on the inside and have a successful, happy affluent life on the outside. But if you are fully integrated internally, your outer world will change. I promise you before this course is over you will begin to see the profound changes in your external world. Because in this course you will change because your thinking will change, and as the result other things will change in the "mirror."

The world is full of people who go to the "mirror" of life and they don't like their reflection so they pound the mirror. They try to change the mirror. They're frustrated; they curse the mirror, which is the equivalent to trying to change the external world, instead of going to work on yourself. So when you look the "mirror" use it to put the Law of Correspondence to work for you. Look at what is in your "mirror" that you don't want to see and then work to change the way you think internally, and watch your outer world change and become what you truly want it to become.

By Brian Tracy

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