Friday, June 15, 2007

My Brain Works!

There is a line in The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles that says, “The poor do not need charity; they need inspiration”.

The question is not should we stop being charitable?

Instead, we should be asking: do we need inspiration?

For most part of our lives, we have been educated not to win but to merely survive. Our minds have been programmed for years and years to think ‘in-the-box’ so much so we live life half-baked, passionless and poor. Is that really all to life: to sit in the stands and thirst for more? To watch the rich get richer? And we become poorer?


Life has never planned it for us that way.

We did.

‘Poverty is not the getting of pictures of poverty into your mind’, said Mr. Wattles, it is ‘getting pictures of wealth into the minds of the poor.’ So simply, by increasing our faith and purpose to be rich, only then will our poverty be reduced.

I believe in the development of the most powerful tool mankind ever possessed – the brain. The grey matter we’ve long ignored and left unexercised. Our brain is a machine far greater, far more powerful than we know.

Knowledge is Power and Power is Wealth. Wisdom is an amazing mechanism to propel one from the pits into the heights of abundance. So feed your brains, energize it with books, DVDs, seminars, videos. Read, listen, challenge and empower yourselves with enlightening resources (soon available at BrainWorks Central).

Believe that life is made to be enjoyed. Live a life so unimaginable and so great that we become unstoppable! Live it with Power so that our children’s children will continue to be touched by the essence of our Greatness.

When we increase our knowledge, we can. We can.

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