The Coffee Story
I had coffee. And you can imagine what sort of effect it has on me. Just million and million reactors in my body buzzing about. Everything wants to talk at the same time. I'm sharp, I feel as though I could understand the world if I have to.
Today, was pretty special. Aha, of course I wont' tell why, although I think it's guessable. I feel alive, and free. Just think, everything in your mind is finally clear of rubbish, and you just feel madly content. If there's such a thing, man, I wonder what they mix in the drinks at Coffee Bean.
I haven't felt this high since... since that day I got drunk on caffeine months ago.
So who says caffeine is bad for you? I feel as though I never want to grow old. Never. Because growing old would mean making mistakes and changing into adults. I don't like adults, they don't have anymore innocence or a sense of humor about life. All they think is work, indecency, money, sex, pleasure, temptation and themselves. I want a life that is simply simple, without unnecessary emotional baggage to carry, things like : who’s' going to love me, when am I going to get rich, what my kids will turn out, am I going to get robbed the next time I go out.
It's pathetic! I'll spend the rest of my life being a worry wart! Then I forget why the sky is blue, or how it is to smile my widest. I like being innocent! I enjoy being idealistic. I love my life as it is. I love being able to laugh aloud in public, making a complete fool of myself without caring who thinks I’m insane, or how I should act. Laughing isn't fun when you can’t share it loud and proud with everyone. Its happiness, why feel ashamed? It's meant to be contagious.
I want to be able to walk in the rain without worrying that I’ll be sick. I want to be free to act and speak without restrain or to behave like a ‘mature’ adult -- whatever that means to shut you up and forget that you ever had sense of humor.
I don't want to keep and upper stiff lip. Idealism allows the world to have a little color to Her cheeks without having to care about death, sickness and suffering. One thing for sure, there will ALWAYS be death, sickness and suffering (and of course a whole lot more). The thing is, what are we going to do about it? We could get A) desperately depressed about it, or B) make the dying, the sick and the suffering a little happier by making them FEEL better.
I want to be able to help people feel better. That's me.
And this is a coffee story. :)
By: Mable Tan
"MablePiggymakcikTAnkumansapo" :P

Note: That's why I stick to cocoa or tea these days...
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