Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Talking Heads

Yes, you probably got this this morning. You probably read it. Thought about it. Thought little about it. Thought nothing about it. But I want you to re-think. So I cannot emphasize any more how important this is for you. I don't gain anything from doing this. Maybe a few nutters comments but I think all is well-received.

Dear friends,
Today is an email day for me.
It is a day simply devoted to writing emails to my family and to my friends.
I have not done this for a long time.
In fact... the last time I did that, it was in 1999. And this is just about
writing emails. Not forwarding emails. Or replying emails. Just writing them
from my heart.

But what calls to this devotion isn't quite as bizarre. What prompted all
this is after going to the Landmark Forum. Ahhhhh.... now you understand.
But the Landmark Forum isn't responsible for this. I am.

I haven't written a hearty-from-the-heart email for so long because I've
forgotten who I am and what I enjoy doing most. I grew up and I became too
old to write emails.

We've all been through the 'I'm-too-old-for-this-now'. And in fact, we're
living it. All of a sudden, we feel to old to play. Too old to tickle. Too
old to dance in the rain. Too old to look at the clouds and imagine pink
elephants. All of a sudden, we were told, and we told ourselves, to grow up.
And that's the day we went to sleep in our waking moments.

I've been asleep for a long time. And it usually starts the minute I get up
from bed.
When I wake up I want to go back to sleep.
When I'm brushing my teeth, I'm thinking of breakfast.
When I'm having breakfast, I'm thinking about work.
When I'm at work, I'm thinking about home.
When I'm at home, I'm thinking about what to cook.
When I'm cooking, I think about what's on TV.
When I'm watching TV, I think how nice it is to be them.
And then I brush my teeth, change in to my jammies, go to sleep and think
I've done a fat lot for myself.

We think we're in charge of our lives but we're not. We think we make our
decisions but we don't. We think we're free but we're prisoners.

So what are we?

What are we doing?

What do we want in life?

The answer: We are really victims of our thoughts. Thoughts? What thoughts?
That one. The one that's asking, 'What thoughts?'
The 'voices in our head' tells us what we can do and what we cannot. How
many of us here have had conflicting thoughts. For example, when my nephew
tells me he loves me, a voice in my head says, 'no you don't'. Simply
because I 'think' he's too young to know what love is. Pfft.... Or when my
boss said to me, 'We missed you' (while I was on holiday) ... the voice in
my head said, "Yea right. Liar."

People, that voice is not real. It is not us. And it is not who we are.

The same voice also tells us when to be happy. It will tell us that we are
only happy when we're in school. And when we're in school, we're not happy.
Then it tells us, look at your parents, look how happy they are as adults.
So we say, 'When I grow up, I'll be happy'. Then we grow up, and we're still
not happy. Then we say, 'I know... I'll get a high-paying job, get money,
buy some really cool stuff THEN I'll be happy." Still not happy. 'Get a
girlfriend/ boyfriend THEN I'll be happy'. Stillll not happy. 'Get married
then I'll be happy'. Nope. 'How about some kids? I'll be happy then'. Uh-uh.
'When I retire, get the kids out the house, go on holiday... I'll definitely
be happy.'

You know what? You get a phone call from your doctor. He says he found a
lump in your breast/ balls. And you only have 3 months to live.

And you live the rest of that 3 months thinking, I wish I was happy when I
had the chance to be happy i.e. in school, at work, being single, being
un-single, without kids and with kids.

Life is indeed bull shit.

But it is only bull shit if we think it's bull shit and all we always will
have will be bull shit.

People, we will never be happy later. We will never be happy when we're
thin, rich and beautiful.

We all have a choice to happy now. To take responsibility of our thoughts,
our emotions and our actions. If we don't believe we can be happy or loved,
we will never feel happy or loved and we will never allow happiness or love
to come into our lives.

That's why I want you to do the Landmark Forum. Wherever you are.

I'm not an ambassador of the forum. I'm not working for them. And no, I
don't get money for writing this email. Not even a voucher.

I'm writing this email because I know you can be greater than you think you

And the only reason why you think you're not good enough is because you
think so.
But I don't.

I'm not asking you to get fixed or changed. You're not a car. That's nothing
about you that needs to be fixed. Because, there's nothing wrong with you in
the first place.
The word here is not about fixing or changing. It's about transformation.
Being aware of a greater possibility.

But I know you can create a difference in your life. A happy difference. I
know you can do so much more. You are more than what you imagine.

And I know the only way to reach our highest potential is to understand our
selves. We don't know ourselves enough. It's the voice in the head that
makes us think we do. We DON'T. If you can see how much more you can BE in
life. If you can only see how much more you can DO in life. If you can only
see how much more you can GIVE to life and also RECEIVE in life, you won't
be stuck with the voice in your head.

Do the Landmark Forum. Don't see it as a thing. See it as a key to unlock
possibilities to your highest potential. We all need education to learn, to
have a skill. Take it as a skill you want to have in order to know and love
who you truly are.

With love,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

do not think.. peace at last..