Four days in Perth and those words were buzzing ALOT - pretty much like its flies in summer. Weather was mild, nothing as cold as Melbourne (so it was a very pleasant winter for me). People, as friendly as a flock of lambs, no wait, that's the simile for gentle. I met good people everywhere. Warning: Adult women are prone to Big Hugs and Big Smiles. Might Tickle occasionally too.
So yes, Perth left me with a very beautiful impression. Is it a place I want to visit again? Yea probably. I didn't get to see much this time because I was too focussed on other matters. But I'll say this: It has the greatest, most incredible, most fantastic, 'once-you-chew-you-can't-stop' apple strudel in the world. Go To: Corica, Nth Bridge, Perth. Damn good.

glad u enjoyed ur trip! sounds like a really good trip! magical! ;)
Sigh... All we have here is haze and more haze... How romantic
More pictures please!
Hait! it was with the lovely rainbows and the shooting star. Ur nights are going to be magical too! Gori's coming home soonnnnn....
By the way, i have one request. Pls take a photo of ur birthday present (from me) when u get it. Koons has a share in it, but hasn't had a look at it yet.
Smoke getting in your eyes pinkity? Come have a refreshing holiday in Melbourne then. It's not too cold now. I think we're looking at an early spring in fact.
Btw, no more photos. hehehe... i wasn't doing much snapping in Perth either. :P
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