Friday, August 04, 2006

Tip of the Lifeberg

If you had to give an advice to a younger person about Life, what would it be?

NooNiaN said...
" like a box of...cikulet...."

Nadhirah said...
"Life is not always fair. Kill yourself or get over it."

kid said...
"Life is like a game... it can be over any time."

Nadhirah said...
"You start dying the day you are born."

Chunky Munky said...
"There's a difference between dreaming and pretending."

GiLLieBeaN said...
"Life is all about growing up ... and growing sideways."


Nadhirah said...

Live is not always fair. Kill yourself or get over it.

Happee Monkee said...

I must say you're quite a Mean Mummy eh? But I guess you're just exaggerating about the knife-slit-wrist-thing. Whatever happened to 'love all attitude'? the POB may like to have some of those lessons one day.

Anonymous said...

life is like a game.. it can be over any time XD

sounds abit morbid ya.. hahaha..

Nadhirah said...

okay, perhaps a tad mean. :p Of course I don't intend to pass that onto the POB. And yes I was exaggerating abt the whole killing-self bit. Perhaps it should be, Life isn't always fair. Stop whining and get over it?

When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade.

Chic's is also quite dark what.

Oh, I have another good one. You start dying the day you are born.

Happee Monkee said...

You know... i do have alot of posts on death, but you guys are getting a little too morbid. Whatever happened to chirpier ones? E.g.
"The garden of the world has no limits except in your mind." - Rumi

"The purpose of dancing - and of life - is to enjoy every moment and every step, regardless of where we are when the music ends." - Dr. Wayne Dyer

Chunky Munky said...

There's a difference between dreaming and pretending.

Thought I'd throw in my two cents too.

Happee Monkee said...

Erm... can i ask what it means? I'm not too smart.

Chunky Munky said...

Well, this is how I view it. When you dream, you aspire to be. You want to be, you strive for that one thing. You believe that it's destined.

However, when you pretend, you are being something you are not. You never really believe and you never really are.

Nadhirah said...

ooooo so chim one. :P

gilliebean said...

Life is all about growing up ... and growing sideways.


Anonymous said...

there's always more than 1 option in life..

life is about making choices..

life is just a 4 letters word with deep meaning..

hahahaa.. don't know where that came from XD